Burglary Charges & Effective Defense Strategies

When facing criminal charges related to burglary, understanding Texas law is going to be an important fundamental of any defense strategy. For criminal charges of this magnitude, you’ll need experienced legal representation. At Tad Nelson & Associates, we specialize in criminal defense for people on docket in Harris County. We’ve developed our reputation as criminal defense lawyers by leveraging decades of experience to protect our clients’ rights and interests. If you need to talk with a criminal defense lawyer in Houston about burglary charges, contact us at 281-280-0100 to schedule a free consultation so we can go over your case. Prefer to send us a message? Click here. In the meantime, feel free to browse over the rest of this article to learn more about burglary cases, defense strategies, and Texas law. What Constitutes Burglary in Texas? In Texas, burglary is defined as unlawfully entering or remaining in a building, […]