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Juvenile Defense

Updated: Feb 1, 2021 @ 10:05 am

We take it very seriously when a parent walks into our law office with an inquiry related to young person who is accused of a criminal offense. Although in most cases the impact on their potential future seems irrelevant to some teenagers, we have experience working with juvenile offenders and helping to give them clarity on their potential future as well as years of experience successfully defending them in court.

Juvenile Defense Strategies

Houston Defense Attorney Tad NelsonThere are mainly four strategies that we employ when we represent a juvenile accused of a criminal offense in the Houston area. Although each case is different, most cases are usually dealt with using one of the four strategies listed below.

  • Working through the details of the case with the judge and prosecutor to see if we can get the case dismissed.
  • Winning in the court of law, at trial.
  • We may be able to get an agreement for a pretrial diversion which can mean that if the accused juvenile avoids trouble with the law for a period of 180 days the case can be dismissed.
  • Depending on the details of the case, probation may be the best route to go meaning your child will be able to sleep in their own bed tonight.

Sealing Juvenile Criminal Records

In the State of Texas, the majority of juvenile criminal offense records are eligible to be sealed. The attorneys of the Law Offices of Tad Nelson and Associates are available to meet with you to discuss filing a motion to have juvenile criminal records sealed as soon we can schedule a meeting.

Having juvenile criminal records sealed will prevent criminal records, and records of arrest, from showing up on their background during background checks. The effect of having juvenile criminal records sealed will be key when it comes to pre-enrollment background checks for college as well as pre-employment criminal background checks.

Unlike cases involving adults who have been accused of a criminal offense, a juvenile offender can have their records sealed even if they were convicted (in most cases) of the crime they were accused of, and are not required by law to serve an adjudication probationary sentence either.

Texas Juvenile Justice Code

Below are a series of legal code covering the Texas Juvenile Justice Code. To learn more about criminal law in Texas as it relates to juveniles accused of criminal offenses, click on one of the links below.

CHAPTER 51 – General Provisions
CHAPTER 52 – Proceedings before and including referral to juvenile court.
CHAPTER 53 – Proceedings prior to judicial proceedings
CHAPTER 54 – Judicial Proceedings
CHAPTER 55 – Proceedings Concerning Children with Mental Illness or Mental Retardation
CHAPTER 56 – Appeals
CHAPTER 57 – Victims’ Rights
CHAPTER 58 – Records – Juvenile Justice Information System
CHAPTER 59 – Progressive Sanctions Model
CHAPTER 60 – Uniform Interstate Compact on Juveniles
CHAPTER 61 – Rights & Responsibilities of Parents and Other Eligible Persons

Houston Lawyers For Juvenile Defense

Do you have a son or daughter who has been charged with a crime in the Houston area? Whether its a drug crime, shoplifting/theft, or assault, we can help. Houston criminal defense attorneys Tad Nelson and Amber Spurlock can be reached with a quick phone call to 713-659-0909 if you want to discuss a situation involving a young person accused of a criminal offense.

Criminal Lawyers for Juvenile Cases

The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates

Juvenile Defense

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Juvenile Defense
Juvenile Defense
Juvenile Defense
Juvenile Defense
Juvenile Defense