Defending You: Restraining Order Violations

Restraining orders are intended to protect individuals from harassment, abuse, or threats. They’re also referred to as protective orders. These orders can be temporary or permanent. They impose strict rules that the restrained person must follow. As far as the criminal justice system is concerned, violating a court order in Texas is a crime. A conviction for violating a restraining order could mean up to a year of county jail time. This page is meant to give you information about court order violation offenses. However, if you’re looking for a criminal defense lawyer in Houston to help you fight criminal charges related to violating any type of court order, we’re here to help. You can reach Houston criminal defense lawyer Tad Nelson at 281-280-0100 or via our message form. Schedule your free consultation today! Types of Restraining Orders in Texas Temporary Ex Parte Protective Orders Temporary Ex Parte Protective Orders […]