Enhancements: Prior Convictions & Your Current Case
If you’re ever slapped with a criminal charge in Texas, every aspect of your past will be put under a microscope. Prior convictions will matter in any new criminal proceedings you’re subject to. Prior criminal convictions can influence our defense strategy and, ultimately, the outcome of your case. If you’re facing new criminal charges but have a criminal history, our law firm can help you. The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates has tons of experience helping folks out of the most dire situations in Harris County. If you need to talk with an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer, contact our law offices today at 281-280-0100. Criminal Enhancements In the criminal justice system, your past is never just that. Prior convictions that are similar to current charges can lead to enhancements of the criminal classification of your current case. This means that if you were previously convicted of a […]