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Possession of Child Pornography

Updated: Dec 27, 2022 @ 5:25 pm

Possession of child porn is a serious felony offense. The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates has represented people from all walks of life for many types of criminal cases. Many of which have found themselves in the predicament in which criminal charges of Possession of Child Pornography, or Indecent Photography of a Child, may apply.

Whether you’ve been charged with the possession, creation, or distribution of images that may be considered child porn, our criminal defense team consisting of attorneys Tad A. Nelson & Amber Spurlock are among the best experienced Houston lawyers for defense litigation surrounding child porn cases.

Reputable, Nationally Renown Criminal Lawyers

Attorney Tad Nelson, our founder, has been asked to speak on the record as an expert guest, for a number of high profile criminal cases that made the news on media outlets like FOX News, CNN, NBC, and others to name a few.

Tad Nelson serving as a go-to person for legal opinion is a demonstration of the reputation of our legal team in the criminal defense arena, nationally.

When you contact The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates you’ll be greeted by either Tad, Amber, or another member of our legal team who will take the time to listen to your situation, and will schedule a time to meet at your convenience.

Criminal Penalties For Child Porn Possession

Second Degree Felony

A conviction for Possession of Child Pornography carries penalties under Felony II guidelines.

If you are convicted of Possession of Child Porn in Texas, criminal charges will include a lifetime sex-offender registration requirement, a prison sentence of 2-20 years, and a fine of up to 10,000.00.

As you can see, criminal penalties are stiff for persons convicted of child sex crimes in Houston, and for those defendants, a sharp, experienced, criminal defense attorney is a prescription for success.

About Child Pornography Related Allegations

The Guilty

We can’t deny that there are a number of child sex offenders who are guilty as charged; solidified by rock solid evidence.

Even so, they deserve the best defense they can get, because at the end of the day, we all make mistakes. And, some have psychological illnesses that may hinder their ability to make the conscious distinction between what’s right, and what’s wrong. In cases like this, psychological evaluations may be called-for to determine if the defendant can be proven innocent by reasons relating to psychology and/or insanity.

Furthermore, even if the defendant is competent to stand trial, 20 years of prison-time may not be needed for rehabilitation, maybe 2 years will do the trick. Its important that the defendant is represented by an articulate criminal defense attorney who can skew the naturally licentious view of the defendant, in the eyes of the jury, to a position of forgiveness, mercy, and compassion.

The Innocent

We can’t say enough about some of the reasons people are falsely accused, set up, or wrongly charged with possession of child porn in Houston. Maybe the correct way to look at this phenomenon is to see it as a “defendant being hovered over by a cloud of over-prosecution & law enforcement-extreme”; with malice. If you’ve been charged with a sex crime involving a minor, and you’re innocent, you’ll need all the help you can get repairing your name, rebuilding your career, and most importantly, fighting for your exoneration.

Divorce Warfare

We’ve seen some situations in divorce litigation settings where one partner attempts to “frame up” the other. In other divorce situations, so as to imply immorality, claims of juvenile-adult sex have been levied. In other cases, one spouse accuses the other of sexual assault of a child, outright.

The Computer

If you own a computer that has pornographic images depicting children, regardless of how they wound up on the computer, you are subject to arrest in Texas. There have been hundreds of cases of people charged with the possession of child pornography who are guilty of nothing more than buying a used PC, allowing someone to borrow their PC, or having some “plant suspicious images” on their PC as a form of revenge or aggression.

In other cases, users are identified as a result of technological advancements which make it easier for law enforcement to scan entire networks for known child pornographic images’ digital values (Hash Values), making digital law enforcement easier for sex crime tasks forces.

In theory, a user could be criminalized for unknowingly downloading files that may have “hidden child porn images” included, buying/trading used devices, or even leaving your PC with another person for repairs, or other reasons, that may take liberties with your equipment which could jeopardize your life; like using your computing device for digital crimes involving child pornography.

Over 30 Combined Years of Litigation Experience

The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates is on your side if your searching for a lawyer who won’t prejudge you, that will give your case the attention it deserves, that will show up ready to lay out your case for the court. With extensive training in forensic science, if evidentiary investigations yield evidence that serves your favor, you walk. If the prosecution has inconsistencies in their evidence, we’ll know it.

Call us at 281-280-0100 if you need help.

The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates

Possession of Child Pornography

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Possession of Child Pornography
Possession of Child Pornography
Possession of Child Pornography
Possession of Child Pornography
Possession of Child Pornography